Tuesday 15 July 2014

Surgery means a slow summer for Bencard's Bites

Dear readers,

Today I have surgery to remove a collapsed disk in my lower neck.  Turns out this is the cause of the mobility problems that I've occasionally mentioned here.  The op should, eventually, return me to something pretty close to normal.

However, it means a six-week recovery period with no work, limited mobility and a neck brace.  Using a laptop or keyboard for any length of time will be forbidden, and some planned events are going to have to go.

Sadly, this means no coverage of the planned opera double header of The Barber of Seville and Tosca at this year's Longborough Opera Festival.  I hope to get to Rinaldo the next weekend, sitting quietly and letting everyone else do the hard graft of country house picnicking.

I should be returned to my adventuring self in time for the big birthday trip in September.  In the mean time, I may post some very short pieces, or talk my husband into guest blogging.

Bye for now,

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