Early last December I caught a TV news report from York, where a spokesman walked around the city and made a pitch that ... having recovered from and expanded since the city's devastating floods of 2015 ... they now hosted the best Christmas market in the country. Those three beautifully filmed minutes worked their way into my brain. I had to check it out.
Were the markets so much better than my local options that they justified the 5+ hours it takes to get there? Probably not. The news report had implied a series of markets stretching throughout the town. The reality is more compact and featured fewer vendors than I expected. York remains, however, one of England's most charming cities. While the markets didn't extend through the whole of the ancient walled centre, the tasteful decorations did. The weekend we visited also featured an ice sculpture trail.
York is a gorgeous town to wander through at any time of year, thanks to its rich history and sparse incursions by modern bad taste. Vast swathes of town look as they would have in the 1760s. Add Handel's Messiah in York Minster, a remarkable Georgian townhouse decked out for the holidays and what may be the best Christmas shop in England, and the combined experience kicked my festive mood into high gear. Here are the highlights.
The main market runs for about 300 metres on pedestrianised Parliament Street, running from its start at Coppergate to St. Sampson's Square. There were between 60 and 80 traditional, Alpine-style chalets; it felt roughly twice the size of our local market at Winchester. Add a sprinkling of chalets at the centre of the modern Coppergate shopping centre, all the regular booths in the Shambles market and a pop-up marquee filled with arts and crafts vendors beside that, and the shopping possibilities start to get impressive.
With the exception of shoulder-to-shoulder crowds Saturday afternoon, it was a lot less crowded than Winchester. Most of the Parliament street stalls held the same stuff you can find at Christmas markets up and down the country: hand-crafted outerwear; specialty cheeses, small batch gins and fruit liquors; South American and African imports; Christmas potpourri; wooden kitchen items; star-shaped light shades; food stands serving up mulled wine, sausages and doughnuts. ( I sometimes think there's a factory in China churning this stuff out for similar markets around the world.) There was, however, a slightly higher percentage of local vendors than down South. My favourites included one lady who spent all year making decorations with gilt pine cones, ribbons and bows; a guy who created canine Christmas wreaths from dog treats and a small company that makes authentic Viking drinking horns and wrought iron stands at a fraction of the price you pay in museum shops. (York has a rich Viking history, making the last one deeply appropriate.)

Curiously, there were fewer food and drink options than at other markets. The favourite was clearly the Scandinavian-themed pop-up bar and restaurant called "Thor's TeePee", but the queue was so long every time we passed that we never even considered it.
Distinguished in the UK for being the first cultural attraction to install a Disney-style ride, Jorvik is more of an interpretive centre than a museum. Though the entry is within an ugly 1980s-built shopping mall ... one of the few places within York's city walls blighted by modern architecture ... it sits on top of the actual excavation site of the Viking town centre. After buying your tickets you descend to a dimly lit room where a glass floor lets you walk over part of the dig. You can watch films of the excavations, which spread across a much larger area before the shopping centre came in on top of it. You then board the ride, which takes you through a highly-accurate reconstruction of 10th century Jorvik populated with animatronic people, dogs, chickens and pigs all created from specific skeletons that have been reconstructed from relevant finds. It's all very lifelike, complete with smells, sound effects and the characters speaking the wide range of languages that would have been in use then. You exit the ride into a gallery of display cases filled with actual artefacts of the world you've just seen.
I remember being terribly impressed the first time I visited in 1985, just a year after opening. After 32 years of experiencing advancements in museum display technology, and the past eight steeped in the Viking heritage and Danish travel that came with marrying into the Bencards, I'm less impressed. While the ride is still good, the gallery at the end is a disappointment. It's far too cramped for the crowds coming through. Too many display cases in the walls, where you have to queue up to get close to them, for example, rather than free-standing for 360-degree circulation around. The artefacts aren't particularly impressive, and they don't do much with technology to bring them to life. Jorvik is a very long way behind Denmark's Jelling Viking Centre. A real shame, since it's only recently reopened after 18 months of refurbishment from flood damage. They don't seem to have taken the opportunity for any significant improvements. So ... worth a visit if you like Vikings and haven't spent a lot of time in Denmark, but questionable value for your £10.25. (Although that does get you repeat admission for a year. Anyone want two adult tickets good 'til December 2018?)
It's one of England's blockbuster cathedrals and, as its archbishop is 2nd only to Canterbury, regularly holds services and events of national importance. Since English cathedrals charge admission (£10 for York, good for 1 year), it's always worth checking the event schedule. Pay for a concert, have a wander for free. We stumbled onto a glorious performance of Handel's Messiah. The only drawback: the last available seats were in the back row, where regular gusts from the door lowered the temperature in an already frigid building. This is, I suspect, is the most I've ever suffered for art. It was worth it. When everyone stands and the strains of the Hallelujah chorus fill the air, it's a religious experience in any setting. Hearing in a great cathedral makes it that much better.

Perhaps the best Christmas shop in the world, and certainly a testament to the idea that nobody does this holiday better than the Bavarians. This German Christmas experience is even more fun because it happens inside a rambling, historic half-timbered English town house from the late Middle Ages. Even if you don't want to shop, it's worth having a wander to check out the marvellous historic interiors.
There are nutcrackers, cuckoo clocks, candle-driven spinning pyramids, incense smokers, nativity scenes and holiday linens ... in addition to at least four large rooms of tree decorations. There's one just for the kind of hand-blown, hand-painted glass ornaments brought back into fashion by Christopher Radko, portraying a staggering variety of subjects. All staffed by helpful ladies in dirndls and loden jackets. It's the company's only outlet in the UK. The only thing that could make it better? An adjacent German beer hall. (York is full of charming pubs, but we couldn't get a seat in any of them on this packed Saturday.)
My husband proved a frustrating, though ultimately useful, restraint. Without him, I would have easily laid out several hundred pounds on Christmas decorations we don't need. Instead, we spent £20 on a blown glass tree topper we did. Everyone was happy.

The house is beautifully restored and furnished to the state it would have been in when the last Viscount Fairfax did the place up as an urban party palace in an attempt to entertain his way to a fiancé for his daughter. He didn't succeed, and she sold the place after his death. So the furnishings are representative, mostly from a collection that chocolate magnate Noel Terry willed to the house on his death in 1980.
It's a fluke that the place still exists at all. Used as a club and cinema in the 1930s, it suffered removal of interior walls and suffocation of those glorious ceilings with high gloss paint. While the removal took thousands of painful hours, curators think the synthetic coat preserved exquisite details. A quirk of leases and local government saw the house shuttered, but unable to be occupied or torn down, through the '60s and '70s. Probably another lucky escape. Its rediscovery and reconstruction in the '80s is a fascinating story that well-informed room stewards will be happy to tell you. They also spin tales of Fairfax family history and have deep knowledge of how the furnishings would have worked in every day usage. I was completely captivated; my top sightseeing pick in York.
Novotel is a pet-friendly hotel chain. They don't publicise it, but all members of the chain allow dogs for an extra fee of £10 per pet. This one has ample parking, generously-sized modern rooms, speedy free wi-fi and is a 10-minute walk to the centre of town. Even better for dog owners, it's also on the River Ouse and opens at the back onto a long river walk complete with street lamps and rubbish bins. Everything a dog owner could want.